Kokomo, IN
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News and Events
Our programmers are running a stat calculation update that will begin on Tuesday (1/19). The calculation will take place at 11 am CST and will last approximately 12 to 24 hours. The update will fix bugs in the achievement and scoring software to make our stat tracking system even more accurate for our players. This update will not affect players current stats such as achievements, kills, death, accuracy, etc. However, these stats will not be showing up correctly during the maintenance but will still be recorded. Once again, the player's stats will still be recorded during the maintenance but will not show up until the maintenance is finished.
You can now find and friend other players from around the world on your Barracks profile! Simply search for the player username or full name and click to add. You can view your friends' timelines to see their recent activity. This new timeline page on your profile will show how you rank among your friends and show off all of their latest accomplishments. This is a great way to quickly see what's new within your iCOMBAT community every time you log in. Don't forget, reservations, the global leaderboard, your complete stats and all your other favorite features are still available to check out at any time.
We hope you enjoy!
-The iCOMBAT Team