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iCombat Waukesha: iCOMBAT Waukesha - April Laser Tag Player of the Month

4/12/2017 12:00:00 AM (7 years ago)

At iCOMBAT Waukesha we’re proud to have some the most skilled and loyal laser tag players in the tactical laser tag game. Week in and week out our laser tag leaderboards are stacked with players that rack in some serious kill counts.

As a thank you and a chance to celebrate those victories, we’re highlighting one player from each of our locations, every month as our iCOMBAT Tactical Laser Tag Players of the Month!

Let’s meet our iCOMBAT Waukesha April Player of the Month:

Username: ArmyMom


Rank: 48 - Colonel Service Star 1

Achievements: 8/20

Kills: 3,396

Headshots: 4,445

Win Percentile: 53.52%

Q: How did you choose your username?

A: My son was in the service for 5 years. I’m very proud of him.

Q: Any tips for newer tactical laser tag players at iCOMBAT Waukesha?

A: Listen to everything your team leaders tell you and when you respawn use those 3 seconds wisely.

Q: What keeps you coming back to play more laser tag at iCOMBAT Waukesha?

A: I love the energy here, it feels like a family. The staff make the laser tag games more enjoyable by giving pointers throughout the missions.

The entire iCOMBAT team would like to thank ArmyMom and her son for their service to our country.

We hope to see you both back into play on our laser tag battlefields soon and congratulations for being iCOMBAT Waukesha’s first player of the month, ArmyMom!

Will you be May’s iCOMBAT Waukesha’s laser tag Player of the Month? Stay tuned! Be sure to check out who made the cut over at iCOMBAT Madison now!