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iCombat Madison: iCOMBAT Madison - May Laser Tag Player of the Month

5/9/2017 12:00:00 AM (7 years ago)

At iCOMBAT Madison we’re proud to recognize our most loyal and skilled players in the tactical laser tag game. We’d like to introduce the Player of Month for May:
Username: Squatchy 


Rank: 28 - First Sergeant
Achievements: 1040/3920
Kills: 1,804
Win Percentile: 54.75% 

Q & A

Q:How did you choose your username?
A:Old work Nickname
Q:What advice would you give to a new player?
A:Keep your gun up all the time and keep moving during the games.
Q:What is your favorite thing about iCOMBAT?
A: How unpredictable every game is and that it’s different for every game and the employees always make it fun.
iCOMBAT would like to thank Squatchy for being a devoted player. It’s players like you that make laser tag fun for us as well!