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iCombat Waukesha: Blast Off the Holiday Calories

1/3/2017 12:00:00 AM (7 years ago)

This past Holiday season was off the hook… What better way to celebrate 2016 than with friends, family, gifts, and tons of food! Snow ball fights, tree decorating, shopping, and of course more food. It’s almost hard not to over indulge in the turkey dinners, sweet yams, mashed potatoes, baked ham, and of course Aunt Beth’s famous casserole, or whatever it is. Who can resist the gingerbread cookies, candy canes, chocolate covered treats, and caramel corn? That’s right the holiday season is filled with sugar covered carbs and deliciously flavored everything. But when the snowflakes clear we always seem to be left with a few extra pounds.

Like most our first thought is a New Year’s resolution to get in the gym! What a great idea, get a fresh start get out there and pump some iron or run those holiday cookies off. Well it sounds good in theory. No membership, good luck! This is primetime people so you shouldn’t expect to save any money on sign up fee’s. Some gyms can’t even take on new members this time of year. If you actually get that far you are likely aimlessly looking for an open locker and all but standing in line waiting to use an abused sweaty machine. Not cool.

What is cool is tactical laser tag. Did you know you can actually burn the same amount of calories playing one session of laser tag as you can running on the treadmill for 15 minutes? Plus you’re working on hand eye coordination and putting those so called brain cells to work. Not to mention you get to kill your friends, some folks you don’t know, and take over the world in the process! Fictionally speaking of course.

So the choice is yours, stand in the meat line and lift heavy objects or shoot ‘em up and go down in a blaze of glory.

CLICK HERE to enlist now and reserve your spot on the field.

For more information about iCOMBAT Laser Tag Waukesha visit http://waukesha.icombat.com/