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iCombat Madison: June Laser Tag Player of the Month

6/2/2017 12:00:00 AM (7 years ago)
At iCOMBAT Madison we’re proud to recognize our most loyal and skilled players in the tactical laser tag game. We’d like to introduce the player of the month for June:

Username: Rainbo7


Rank: 57- Colonel Service Star 12
Achievements: 2170/4120
Kills: 8,931
Headshots: 10,906
Win Percentile: 56.59%


Q: How did you choose your username?
A: I love rainbows and rainbow brite. My birthday is the 7th of December, so that is why I included the seven.

Q: What advice would you give to a new player?
A: Don’t be afraid to try something new. If it doesn’t work, try something else. Everyone’s style is different, don’t be afraid to develop your own style.

Q: What was your favorite moment at iCOMBAT?
A: My favorite moment was when I played my very first session. I had no idea what I was doing. I even ran into a wall trying to find the stairs to go to the top of the base. I thought I was so bad but I had fun, so that is why I come back.

The iCOMBAT team would like to thank Rainbo7 for addressing that even our best players have to start somewhere. We hope that you continue to come back and have fun!